Monday, July 29, 2013

2:30 here we are

Mom and dad went for lunch! Can't believe she posted pictures I look awful.   I have had my last dose of antibiotics just now.  Still feel awful but have the most amazing nurse.   

Everyone has been amazing I can not tell you how much your support means to mean.   I have the best friends and family!   

The worst part is how nauseous I am and every time I try to puke my head hurts.    

Nick is here now.  


  1. No way you wrote that post. Did Nick do it?

    Anyways - glad you are up and everything went smoothly - one hurdle at a time!

    HUGE thanks to you and your family for posting updates on this blog. I am probably responding for a lot of people (who are not commenting) that it is a huge relief to see pictures of you looking beautiful in that gown. Lucky internet.

    Love you love you love you! xxx

  2. Combat blogger...nothing slows her down.

    Love you, Abby!!
