Sunday, July 28, 2013

Night before surgery

Tomorrow morning I will be having Exploratory Brain Surgery.  

I have to report to the hospital by 5:45.  However Surgery does not start until 7:45.  Talked to the nurses and a few of the doctors on the phone this weekend and today.   They all seem like they know their stuff and they are so nice.  

I am doing ok. I don't really know how I feel to tell you the  truth.  One minute I am scared shitless and the next minute I am completely fine and ready to do this.  One minute I am rethinking this whole thing and just thinking well I could be ok with adopting and the next minute all I can think of is how much I really want to be able to have kids and know that means I have to do this.  It's. kinda funny I am writing this knowing all of you will read it but maybe you will then understand what I am going through.   I am hoping like hell I have the most speedy recovery and can get back to my classroom.  I am still upset I will be missing the first week of school and all of the teacher training classes.   Maybe I will just show up... Pirc and Bret Patnode may kill me if I keep talking like this! Haha   But as Dr.  Cook says I am a fast healer so we will see! 

Deal for tomorrow:

Someone will update this no later than 12:00 pm tomorrow.  With an update of what is going on and how I am doing.  Please check this for any information. We will keep this more updating than anything else.   

Well I love you all I hope you know that! I cherish each one of our friendships and am so lucky to have so many people that care about me.   

See you when I see you!  Now I am going to work on my breathing and centering and try to sleep.   Haha I know right! 

With all my love clowns! 


  1. Thinking of you like crazy! Sending every well wish your way for a suuuper speedy recovery post surgery. I know that everything will be ok and I so look forward to the day when there is more of you & Pirc in this world :) Whether or not that happens biologically is simply a detail...Love is unconditional.
    With all my heart,

  2. Our love and prayers are with you. Right now you are almost in surgery. You have the best doctors and more positive energy than any one person I know. With those and the love of everyone you have ever met (seriously) and the greatest family in the world, all karma is balanced in your favor.
    Peace, love, light, and healing -
