Friday, July 5, 2013

The Mighty Castle!

Wow where to begin with today! It has been an incredible day. 

We first started at the Edinburgh Castle.  It was raining so there were not many people at all but we also had already bought our tickets through the bus company so we got to go through the fast pass line.   I always feel like such a VIP when this happens.    Once we got up to the Castle it started to down poor rain so we opted to grab a spot of tea and coffee and a scone.  I had a yogurt instead and wished the whole time I was eating the scones and jam.  They looked beyond incredible! After about 30 minutes the rain stopped so we began to explore.  Now the castle is not just the remains of a castle it was like a small town.  

First we walked up just to see the view.  
It was a breath taking view of the whole city.  

We next went and saw the Crown Jewels  wish were so cool you can see the coronation crown and the stone that they used to have the kings stand on during their coronation.  Sorry no pictures during this part.   

Next Aunt Wendy and I sat for a little bit and just people washed.   We also watched the guards that were on duty due to the Queen being in town.  I felt beyond lucky to see them they add so much to this experience.  

I love this pic so much!!

After this we went into the war room.  It was crazy to see the weapons and armer that they used to use.   The picture below is a sword that they used during the wars.  It is 2.6 kilos or about 10 pounds. The man their to answer questions said that the men that would have used the swords had been trained to hold it and use it since they were wee little lads.  Then when they were charging someone they would almost due a infinity symbol  to scare the people they were fighting.  

The sword that I have in my hand bellow is a more popular sword used during fighting because it was versatile and could be used in many ways.  He said that "they didn't care how they fought as long as they won."  

Here is a cannon that they used to use to defend the castle.  

Now Aunt Wendy and I were sitting in the square and were just talking and I decided that it would be a great picture if I could get the lion and the guard together.  So I got very close and was lining up the picture and as soon as I got it I looked at Aunt Wendy and told her I got it.  When I looked away from the guard he screamed for them to do this thing and I got so scared And basic flew offf the steps. Aunt Wendy and I lost it we were laughing so hard.  I was to stunned to look around but I am sure that people were laughing at me too.  

So another cool thing is that in the war memorial building they have ever name of every soldiers that has fought for Scotland.  When I looked in the books there were so many Robinson names it was crazy.  I wish I could have taken pictures.   They where mostly served in the Highlands.  We are going on the tour of the highland tomorrow so I am so excited about it.  

This is a picture of all of us before we left.  We lucked out and also got the gards.     
It is a great picture.  

Here is a picture of me in one of the last remaining phone booths! When was the last time you saw one?

On the way out we saw this guy! "They will never take our freedom!" 
Braveheart! Right??

After we left we had a late lunch.   Then we went to the children's game museum that was ok.  Not the most exciting.   

After all of this Uncle Al, Dad, and I wanted to hike up to Arthur's Seat.  Now at first we were a little confused about what peak that Arthur's seat is actually on.  So we climb the closest one. Now let me tell you that we may live in the Windy City but I have never felt wind like this.  Here are some pictures on top of the first peak cluster.  

Trying to show how windy it is. 
Dad did it! 
Uncle Al just chilling.  
Showing how high it was. 
The view was out of this world. 

Next Dad went back to the apartment to meet up with Wendy and Uncle Al and I finished the trek up the mountain.  When we got to the top the wind was crazy but the since of accomplishment and the view was out of this world. 

The wind was so strong it was hard to hang on to my camera.   

We both made it back down in one piece    

Next we went to dinner and in the bathroom dad meet a guy who invited us to his private party.  Being as it is us of course we went.  We had so much fun and met the most lovely and friendly people.   We had to leave after a drink and a shot because we are due up so early but we met people that we will be email friends with so how great is that!

Ok I must go to bed! Love you all!  

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