Wednesday, July 3, 2013

This is where my family is from..

Wow today was one of those moments that you dream your whole life about.   I have ever since I was a wee little one wanted to see where my family is from in Ireland.   I have Irish blood in my on both sides but can trace back my moms side to Cork County.   

Special Grandma Eva Was from Cork County. Now we don't know exactly where she lived there but we know that she lived some where in the county.  Now if you have ever been to Cork you know that the county is huge! I mean huge! So what Dad and I did was drive to the city center and walk around for a whole just to some up what may have been there when she still lived in Cork and came into town.  We did a lot of shopping here it had really great stores and the nicest people.   

This is just to make sure you all know that I really was here!  

This is a picture from the English Market. It is a huge deal there.  Pirc would have loved it, it was shops after shops of different yummy foods.  Special Grandma and here family would have shopped at the English Market.  

This was a monument that was dedicated to shoulders that had died in the war.  Look at the names you might find one you know.  I found O'Doherty.  Many people when they came to the US dropped the O.  So that very easily could be a relative.   

When dad and I were shopping we came across the family crest.  It was really cool of course first I looked for Doherty because I knew that was 100% an Irish family name.  Then dad asked for me to check for Robinson.  Drum roll it was actually there.  And even crazier, John J Robinson was the name that was on record.  Lets put it this way dad and I were shocked.  But I think truly dad was just happy to finally prove to himself and others that he was truly Irish. 

How cool right?? 

When we left we headed of to Cobh, pronounced Cove.  It is where the majority of immigrants left Irerland and came to Elise Island.  Due to the fact it is so close to Cork we figure grandma had to leave from here.  It is also where the Titanic left from before it sunk.   They have a huge museum dedicated to it.   At this point though Dad and I are kinda museumed out!! 
It was truly a pretty town.  

This a picture from the church in Cobh.  It was stunning.

What else can we pack in one day you ask well... The Blarney Castel of course. This is I know totally silly but it is a must do when in Ireland! How could I not want more of the gift of gab.  I am not sure how my husband and friends feel about it but I want more.  Hehe.   But first let me say this is not the easiest place to find.  You go to a lit of signs directing you where it is to NONE! All of a sudden I wanted Ireland to learn something from wall drug!   So we finally get there after getting some what lost and get stuck with/ behind a tour bus.  They ended up being from the south so we all started talking in the Q.  One of the ladies was a teacher and I do not understand how she was.  She started to share some pretty scary stories about how she got in trouble.  Yikes is all I have to say.  Oh and she started talking politics.   Oh man it was awful.  PS this is no indication of teachers from the south. I have family down there and i mnow wonderful teachers from the South.  But the fun part was climbing the Castel!  The steps were narrow going up and you go high!! The man that helps you out gets a little friendly sometimes but he was a cute old man so I didn't care. Haha.  

Dad kissing the Blarney Stone heaven help us.  

My turn.  

Then we headed to our B and B. it was little place but quite nice.   

For dinner we ended up going to a yummy restaurant that was attached to the pub.  Afterwards they were playing traditional Irish music.  It was amazing and so fun.  
That's all for tonight! 

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