Sunday, June 30, 2013

Third day in Ireland.

Today Nick left and so did Tracy Jane.   😢

Dad and I woke up late and we spent the morning relaxing and doing laundry. We read, blogged, and sat and enjoyed the day.   

At around 1:30 we decided we should go out still.  So we decided to go to Bru na Boinne.   It is the tombs of Knowth and Dowth.  It is a structured that was built 5000 years ago that was found when Charles Camber was trying to take the quarts from the land. Luckily they started to dig in the front of the structure and found the front door.  Two times a year it creates a solar solstice.  When you walk in is tight.  Like really tight and low.  You have to hold your things in front of you so they don't get stuck on the walls.  There was also some engravings on the inside and out that the guid said no one knows the true meaning of.  It was so crazy to be in a place that is over 5000 years old and still holds up.   

Clearly the stairs have been added but that is all everything else is the original. 

Look at the geometrical shapes. 

So cool!!

After this we drove to the Hill of Tara.  It was interesting. They were a bunch of hills that from above look like circles.  They were we here the kings used to meet.  It took us a while to find it but we did.  You spend a ton of time trying to not step in sheep shit.  It is everywhere because you are literally walking right next to sheep.  The Hill of Tara is where it is believed is the final resting place for Tuatha de Danann.  
This was a different hill than each of the other monuments on it. 

Very cool! 

We just got home and are going to eat and relax before are early drive tomorrow.   

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