Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ireland day one!

Nick, Dad, and I have successfully made it to The motherland.  
We flew in last night and some how got to the Bed and Breakfast with out getting into a crash.  The whole driving on the wrong side of the rode and car is tough. 
Today we went to Dublin.  Anybody we asked about what we had to see here said that we had to see the Book of Kells.  

So we took the Dart (train) down to Dublin and went to Trinity College.  Once we got there I decided that I wanted to do the walking tour.  It was only one euro more so it seemed to be the smartest thing.  They have students do the tour.  We had a forth year acting student doing ours.  He had this wonderful almost dry but not to dry of humor.   He gave such great factual information but made it so entertaining.  It was the day that they had graduation.  So half way into our tour the students started to precede out.  I have found where I will eventually do my doctorate.  They have the coolest doctoral gowns.   We also learned that Ireland pays all of the students tuition! They pay there doctoral candidates and most masters student to go to their college here.  What the hell US get it together! 

Well anyway, I had actually neither nick nor I had dressed warm enough due to the fact that when we left it was warm and sunny but by the time we were in Dublin it had dropped 10 degrees and was spitting rain every once in awhile.  So we both had to buy a Trinity hoody.  I am not mad at it though because I love mine.  But I do digress We had to stand in a 20 minute "queue" or line to get into the Book of Kells.   It is a fascinating thing to see how we'll the book has been preserved considering for a lot of years it was just sitting in someone's field.  The monks spent so much time making each and every letter.   The color makes you almost speechless after you read how they made colors from sometimes very dangerous materials.  They are so vibrant and jump off the page.  

Tonight we did the literary pup crawl. (Suggestion make a reservation) We did not have a reservation but lucked out and went on a the second tour of the night that they do not always have.  It starts at Dukes pup with an intro from the two actors.  We had a man that runs the pup crawl and a really great lady.  It was so fun! We met this great couple that was on their honeymoon.  We all had a blast. On the pub crawl the actors perform bits of literature but also give history about Ireland and Dublin.   They gave so much great information about the different writers that I would have never known.   It is only a few hours and you drink the whole time.  How great is that!  We took the Dart home and had a lovely walk.   

That's the rap! Night!! 

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