Friday, June 21, 2013

The Vatican!

Today we visited Vatican City that it was amazing is a vast understatement. The things that we saw were so old and impressive.   We saw things that were 4000 years old. 

This might make me sound like the biggest blond on the planet but I had no idea that Vatican City is its own country! It is in fact the smallest country in the world.   That is why they have their own police force that does in fact have different levels.  I have a whole theory on how this really is and it is very funny however I will refrain from writing while I am still in Rome.  Haha 

We first waited for an hour and half to get in to the Vatican museum. I had no idea that the Vatican collected works of arts from all of the different stages of life.  Intact, they had the most impressive Egyptian exhibits that I have ever seen.  They even have a real mummified body but i did not get a picture of it. 

You can not take pictures in the Sistine Chapel.  But it was so beautiful we must have sat there for at least 30 minutes.  Just staring at the walls.  It is amazing that Michelangelo completed the crawling in only 4 years.   

We had lunch after we left the museum and again they had gluten free food!! Amazing and beyond delicious.  

We then went to the St. Peters square and the Basilica.  It was crazy to go and see where the Pope address the public and the most famous church.  It was all so beautiful! Along with so many other places on this trip but even a little bit more here!  I can not say more about how beautiful it was so I will let the pictures talk for themselves.  

The Swiss Guard.  

We were so overheated at the end of this long day we went home and Pirc made us the most yummy dinner.  

1 comment:

  1. What astonished me about Rome was the fact that you turn the corner and there is a statue; oh, a plaza; oh, a fountain; oh, another statue -

    The Vatican is an astonishing display of excess. So much art, so many jewels, such beautiful buildings - how to take it all in???

    Happy about senza glutine!
