Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First day in Carrara

Today we woke up to the most amazing view I have ever encountered at Isabella's Bed and Breakfast. She is a wonderful women that makes an extra yummy breakfast I highly recommend her!! I will put pictures of both on tomorrow's post.   Sorry I didn't take any today. 

The one thing that Pirc really wanted to see was the Cinque Terre, Italy.  It is a collection of five towns that are connected by a train.  (I think there may also be a bus but I am not sure.)  Anyway, these towns are like old Italy that are small and are very rugged.  But the views and pictures you can get are beyond this world!  (Darn it, I just realized I didn't take a pic with my hubby!) when you are in the towns there is shopping or you can sit down and eat at one of the amazingly restaurants.  Don't be afraid of the prizes it is actually very reasonable.  

But another huge thing that is very popular is to hike.  Now, let me begin this part of my post by reminding you that my ankle looked like this and has only gotten more swollen as the days have gone on.  

When we got to the train station there was an information desk. This is where you buy your one day ticket pass. She will give you information on the hikes and on the towns.  Now BIG WARNING they lie!!!!!!! The nice lady showed us our options and said one hike would take twenty minutes and one hike would take an hour and a half.  So we decided that with my ankle, dads sore foot and the heat (35 degree Celsius), we should do the shorter one.  We started the hike and had been hiking up stairs, and down stairs for about 30 minutes and were getting a little nervous.  We ran into some people and asked how much longer they said about 45 minutes to an hour and 10 minutes.  I just about had a heart attack! Well as I am writing this blog, clearly we did finish it.  But we were very overheated, smelly and thirsty!  We walked 4 km and it took us exactly what the sign projected on the other side an hour and a half.  Now this was not all bad. We did get some amazing pictures! 
This was the start to the hike.  

View the trail of the town we left from.  

The sea! 

The boys! Got to love dads head gear so his head does not burn.  

We are close enough we could finally see the town we were going too. 

Pretty flowers.  

Once we finally made it to the other town we met up with mom! She was also over heated from climbing the 390 stairs to get to the town to meet us.  We tried to find the beach but couldn't.  I think do to the fact we were all so overheated.  Nick however found this awesome grotto/ waterfall with really cold water.   

Using the ice water to ice my ankle.   

Nick jumping over the water! 

Nick and Pirc silly boys!  This is what the grotto open up to.  

We left here and had a yummy Italian dinner.  Bellow is where we went.  

Nick and I are currently sitting outside on the terrace watching the moon! However, it is time for me to go to bed.  Night all! 

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