Friday, June 21, 2013

Try to stay cool day two!

Well one thing you should know Rome is HOT!!! 

Today Pirc and I woke up and went to the cafe to do some checking up on things.  I could not get online but Pirc did.  So I wrote and he checked a billion emails.  

In the square in front of our place there is a market everyday. So we decided to get fruit, some things for dinner, and some things for lunch!   Mom and Dad went to do laundry so that we all had some clean close. When I say we had nothing to wear I am not kidding we were all on our last few things.  

Today we stayed at the apartment and had a yummy lunch.  We were trying to wait out the worst of the heat.  It did not work at all! We were still burning hot and melting all day.  Although we were slightly better than yesterday.  

Today we took the tram.  Can I just say that I have amazing sense of direction.  I am telling you there are you many times that has come in handy to even go into detail about.  

So back to today.  When we first got off of the team we went to the Pantheon.  It was an amazing old church. We got invited to go to one of the patron saints apartments.  We had to take this very very little apartment upstairs.  And go around the courtyard and up some random stairs we finally found the apartment and it was really cool how every they were doing litany.  So we left and came downstairs.  Here are pictures of it.   

The second place we went was Trevi Foutain.   It was so cool and beautiful to see.  We have seen it in so many movies and I have heard about it so many times. However mom did get groped by a crazy Italian man. Yes the police did catch on after he did it by several people.  Here are pictures below.  

We went to the Spanish steps after the Foutain.  While we were there we saw two men get into a crazy fight they were so angry.  But they used so many gestures in a crazy way.  Two men were hold both of the fighting men back. It was beyond entertaining.  Below are pictures of the steps but not the fight sorry! 

We actually ended up catching the National Orchestra playing for public dignitaries.  It was really interesting seeing all of the secret service.   

Sorry these are fast don't really have wifi! 


  1. Fabulous! What a wonderful day. Will you walk the palatine tomorrow and see the coliseum?

    love you all!

  2. Glad to hear that you didn't inherit your mother's lack of direction sense!
