Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day trois in Paris

Pirc and Nick got here!!!!

While they both had challenging journeys from the airport to the apartment everyone eventually made it.   Pirc had the most challenging of trips after it took him close to two hours to get to the apartment due to awful traffic.   If you ever think that Chicago has bad traffic guess again.  While waiting for Pirc to get here and while Nick slept a little, Mom and I went to get a coffee.  Mom is obsessed with Espresso.  She could drink so many in one sitting.  I had to literally cut her off.  Haha is was amazing.   We did not want to let any of Pirc and Nicks time disappear so as soon as Pirc got here we made him jump in the shower and then we left and went to lunch.

We had a lovely lunch catching up on all that had happened in the past week.  It did take a while for the boys to get used to how slow the meals go in Paris.   You can not have a fast meal, we have not had a meal that was shorter than an hour and a half.   However, that was just lunch so clearly had no starter. 

After we were done with lunch we went to meet up with our cousins that were also in Paris.  We met them at Notre Dame de Paris.  Talk about finding a needle in a hay stack.  It did take us a little bit to actually find them.  Luckily I have some lanky cousins like my little bro.   So it was easy to spot when Cye  was standing at the top of the stair case.   It was so cool exploring Notre Dame with my family while catching up on what has been happening since last summer. 

When we were done with Notre Dame Aunt Wendy left us to take the tour bus to The Effile tower.   The rest of us set off on foot.  This way we could walk Pirc through most of the sights that you must see when in Paris.   We walked past Musee du Louvre and took some picks.

We went to the lock bridge and Pirc and I got to put a lock on the bridge.  The bridge is called Pont des Arts this is very close to the Musee Louvre so you can totally do it on the way. It was something I wanted to do so bad and Pirc made it happen! Have to love him!  

We walked through the Jardin des Tuileries.  This was my second day walking through it and it may be most favorite part of Pairs.  There are so many happy people, and kids running around every which way.  We also found a few things that we had not found the day before.   Uncle Al and Griffin had found a few I guess we they walked through.  We found an old school carousel.  It was really kind of beautiful.   They had billy goats in the park just eating grass.  That is legitimately how they cut their grass. Crazy right?

Then we saw the Effile tower light up! It does not light up until 11 fair warning. Bring extra layers, wine, and food and it makes for a great experience.

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