Monday, June 24, 2013

Driving days!

So I am combing two days due to the fact we have literally been driving for two days. We have gone through six different countries while driving from Italy to Amsterdam.  It has been very interesting and beautiful driving through each country.   Let me start by saying which I may have already said in an earlier post, but fuck tolls are so expensive.  We complain in the states about tolls and I know I never will again.  I have been paying 40-50 euro at about each one.  There have been a few smaller ones but they are rare.  Also I complain all the time about gas prices and I never will that again either! We have been paying 80-90 euro to fill up each time. Luckily this car get great gas milage.   Even if we are squished in the back. 

We have driven past the Swiss Alps that were so beyond gorgeous.  It was raining off and on so there was a lot of fog in the Alps.   The water in the rivers that ran by the highway in front of the Alps was such an amazing color was ice green. I don't know how to describe it and I could not really get a picture of it. But I did get some great ones of the Alps! 

We stayed at a great hotel last night that Internet! It was so nice to be able to check in on Facebook and to answer some messages that I had not had a chance to respond to.   

Today we have been driving and have stopped at two beautiful and historical sites in Luxembourg.  We first stopped at at a romance novel chateau.  It was almost something out of a Pride and Prejudice. We did not go inside but we did get to go in the garden and it was lovely.  They had a maze in the yard that they had created like from the second Princess Dairies movie.  They also had really cool statues.  

I had to put up both because we both look better in different pictures.   Haha

We then went to a Castile that was built in the 1065 Castile Burg Bourscheid.  Their has not been a family living their since 1600's.  It has been owned many different countries but was finally donated back to the Luxembourg government.  We got to again walk around the castle and go into several different parts of the castle. We did not however take the tour some people in the Family really want to get to Amsterdam. 

I love these pictures! 

Pirc the best selfy taker ever! 

Squats with weights old school style.   

After we kept driving and Dad decided we should stop in a little town in the Netherlands.  We first stopped at a restaurant that was flicked with old people dad cut one off by accident and mom and I were so embarrassed we kept going! ☺ We found a really great little hidden gem called Riekelt.  Most of us had burgers I know,I know really we had burgers.  But she said that they were the best thing on the menu.  Mom had a Kip and tomato soup.   The soup was very yummy.  They also had coke in a bottle.  So many places in Europe do.  It is a new reason to move here.   I am trying to compile a list to convince Pirc.   

Well that is it for today we are an hour out from Amsterdam.  I am getting so pumped for this.  My new goal for the next post  is to start using synonyms for my commonly used words. I have used "amazing" and "beautiful" way to much.  So we will see how the next post goes.   

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