Sunday, June 30, 2013

Nicks heaven

IToday is Nicks last day.... 😩 So dad and I decided we should do whatever Nick wants to do today.  For those of you that do not know Nick loves to take pictures of flowers in fact he takes incredibly beautiful pictures of flowers.  So what would be a better place to take him then Ireland's garden.  This is called Powerscourt. 

If you love being in a magnificent garden that will just make you speechless this is were you need to go! All I could think the whole time I was there was how much Momma B would love it.  It would be her dream.  There is every type of flower I have never heard of.  There was probably 100 different types of roses in every color.  

When you first walk out into the garden the view is beyond words so I will just show a picture below and let you come up with your own words.  It is one of the last -----.   

Love this pic!

After you walk though this kinda entrance you come to this amazing foutain! 
In the fountain it had Lilly pads which are some of my favorite flowers.  I think they are just so tranquil.  They make me want to sit down a read a long yummy book.   
Then we went into this sort of Japanese garden.   I was transported back in time to my trip in high school I asked Nick if he also felt that way and he agreed.  However he was so in his own mind taking tons of pictures that I can't wait to see.  Here there was this little walk way/ outcome that was so quant.   It felt like The entrance into the secret garden.   There were these little waterfalls and arches. 

Then we went to the tower on the land. You were allowed to walk to the top of the tower.   Here was the spectacular view from the top.   

After this we at a little lunch which is expensive but pretty damn good when you are starving.  If you come here though and are trying to save money I might pick up some sandwiches or make a lunch if you have an apartment.   

When we were all full we walked to the rise garden.  This is where we completely lost Nick.  He was so pumped I saw some of the pictures and Christ he is good.  Here are some I took.  

When we left we decided we could not miss the waterfall it was another 5 euro each such sucked but all we heard were good things.  Let's just say we were not disappointed.  It blew my mind with how amazing it truly was.   First, it is huge! Second, people climb all over totally disregarding the signs that say don't. And lastly, people being their dogs on the rocks.  While I was there I felt very old I was freaked out that one of the little kids was going to get hurt or a dog was going to choke to death.  I am not this much of a worry wort normally? Right people!!
But anyway just to prove how amazing it is look below! 

Amazing right!

We left and went home for a while.  Nick needed to pack and we needed to get some stuff set up for his flight.  Luckily we have the most amazing host, Tracy Jane!  She is wonderful I can not say anything bad about her.  We drank two bottles if wine with her tonight and learned just how truly amazing and strong she is.  I would now consider her a good friend or even family. I didn't even say how amazing her children are. They are to cute and funny! Tracy Jane has gone out of her way to make us feel comfortable! 

We had the most amazing dinner at 
Distillery!  Nick TRIED a mussel!! Yeah I know totally crazy right?? They were so delicious and in a curry sauce! Then I had risotto that was beyond yummy.  

Ok night night! 

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