Thursday, June 13, 2013

First day in Paris!

Neither Dad nor I slept we'll last night.  This could be due to both of us have a cappuccino at 11:30 at the end of dinner last night.  Oops wrong decision on our part but god they are so yummy!  As Grandma D said "something hot after dinner always helps to digest the food."  

Therefore, We were up very early and on the train to the air port.  God it was so easy.  I know my husband is flabbergasted that I took the train!  We flew esayJet (yes that is how it is supposed to be written please see picture below), so back to my point that I really want to make.  When they say one bag they mean ONE bag!  So many people were getting stopped to try and combine and had to throw stuff away.  They asked me to check my bag in that metal rack thing and I seriously had a small heart attack.  Luckily I was totally fine and had extra room! Take that people that thought I over packed! 😝 When we went to load we had to do it Obama style and walk up the steps attached to the plane, man i give that man credit the stairs were shacking and moving around i was freaking out! The plane was fine clean and comfy.  There are no drinks or snacks so get something before or you will be a little hungry!  

We made it to Pair at the same time as mom! So that was fab timing!  We walked over to her terminal.  From there we took this amazing thing called Air France Shuttle. This charter bus takes you into the city for 10 bucks and drops you at several stops. I got to see the whole city doing this! Things I have read about or seen in movies. The man next to us on the shuttle was laughing good naturally and giving us information on building we did not know.  

We could not check in right away but lucked out with a family friend in town. Arlene let us drop our bags at her place and she let mom take a quick shower. We then set out we had a lovely yummy lunch with wine and great conversation.  Arlene is always a great person to talk about history and politics with! 

After lunch we walked back to pick up our bags we had to meet the man with our apartment keys at five and had no idea how long it was going to take to get there using the metro. Haha! We severely overestimated it took us less than a half hour to get to our apartment!  So we sat in a bar for an hour and drank another few glasses of wine.  

Dad did an amazing job!! We have the cutest apartment in this amazing building with so much culture and community right out the door!  I love having our own place.  Alycia and Pirc were so right this is the only way to do this!  The below pictures are outside our apartment windows.  

We decided due to Moms jet lag we would have a quite night in.  We made/Mom a chicken and beans it was yummy to have something light.   Dad did get more wine and so yummy sorta Brie that we had before dinner.  Oh man who ever is reading this let me tell you we know nothing about cheese.  Here it is so much more flavorful and amazing.  It has layers of flavor! Below is a pic of mom enjoying her book, and cheese! 

It is nice to have a strong wifi connection.  I am thinking of adding a connection to my photo stream so people can see more let me know if you like the idea! 

Lots of love and good reading! 


  1. Yo, cousins, plans for the day? We're not yet sure.

  2. "Pirc [was] so right this is the only way to do this!"

    Has Pirc ever been wrong? haha. Can't wait to get there. . .
