Sunday, June 23, 2013

Last Day in Rome!

Jammed packed lots of walking day should really be the title to this post!  We have probably walked 10 miles or more the whole time we have been in Rome.  I really did not know this.  Let me just tell you that I have toughed it out with this foot/ankle injury.  Icing it when we got back every night.  The shoes I have have been clutch due to the fact the are flats and don't go high on my foot.   I can actually get this monkey of a foot in to a shoe.  Christie asked if I had seen a doctor and I told her have not so I might as we tell you all, we are all most positive that it was just a really bad twist.  So it seems silly to waste a day for a doctor to tell us that.  

Anyway back to today! Today we went to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum.  

Here is the trick that my brilliant if I do say so myself mind thought of.  To avoid the line why not buy the combined ticket from the Forum that is literally next door to the Colosseum and had no line at all,  but still do the Colosseum first.  It worked so well we bypassed the whole line and just walked in! 

The Colosseum is amazing! I literally walked into and said out loud I can't believe I am in the Colosseum. It may have been the most overwhelming feeling of wonder.   It is a really interesting place. We walked around and read all the signs and then walked up the steepest steps to get to the next floor.  On this floor we found their museum.  It is very interesting to walk around and see what they found there.  I mean so of the things they found your mind just can't wrap around.   I thought I knew a lot about the Colosseum but I was wrong! I did not know that they used to flood it and reenact wars on ships.  I didn't know that they uses it for mass soldering of both animals and humans.  It was so awful to read about.   It was also for a long time uses to reenact the crucifixion of Christ.  They stop this when it began to get to "rowdy".  Here are some pictures.  

Then we went to the Roman Forum.  You really could spend a whole day here walking around.  It is really big and spread out and there is ton to read and learn.   This is where they used to have the chariot races.  It is also on the grounds where there were tons of palaces that were connected by underground tunnels. It was the center of any social gathering and was where anything to do with politics was held.  To see some of the history here was incredible.  Pirc loved it here he could run around and see everything and explore all of the areas that have been around for so long.  My parents left earlier than us due to my dad's foot bothering him.   Nick, Pirc and I kept going.   We had just a great time the three of us just exploring.   
Here are some pictures it is 12:00 here and I need to talk about one more place.  

This was where the chariot races took place.  

After this we went home for dinner that mom and Pirc made again it was so delicious!  

We then got ready and left to see the Trevi Fountain at night! It was amazing during the day but at night it was breath taking. The colors and everything.  I was so happy that nick said we had to see it both ways. Here are the pictures.  

Have to go to bed! And I can't feel my hand anymore.  
Haha night! 

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