Monday, August 26, 2013

4 Week's Post Surgery!!

Happy Anniversary to me!

 Can you believe that it has been four weeks?  I sure can't, I feel that time has flown.  I started school last week and had the feeling all week that I was drowning.   It was extremely stressful and I did not have face pain.  In the past as soon as the stress started to build up so would the pain.  I was so excited that I didn't feel any face pain.   It was really hard to get back into the swing of everything.  I just felt like I could not get on top of the work that I needed to do.   Due to the fact that I missed the institute day there are things I feel that I do not even understand.  Due to the fact that we are doing them in  different day.  I am finally starting to feel that I am coming up to water.  My lesson plans have everything that they need to and my copy's are completed and in the folders that they need to be in.   I have also imputed students grades.  While I am still behind on somethings.  I really am trying to catching up to where everyone else is.

Today I worked out for the first time in over a month.  I know that I was not supposed to, but come on I am dying here.   I did a very baby lite work out.  I did the stairs for 15 minutes but did climb 65 floors in that 15 minutes.  I also did the bike for 10 minutes.  I know that it is not that impressive but it felt so great.   I am experiencing some surgery pain now but NO FACE PAIN.  That is the first time in months that I have worked out easy or other wise and have not felt pain.  I really don't want to say that this surgery may have worked.  But it is sure starting to seem that way.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Night before......

Tomorrow I start to teach again and it is also my three week mark post surgery.   

Inner thoughts:
I am excited and worried at the same time.  I am so excited to see the kids and my coworkers but am nervous that I am not ready.  I have had three weeks with only pain from the surgery what if I start work and my face starts to hurt.  I no it is really silly but man I am scared.  Like really scared! Not having pain for the first time in months has been amazing.  I literally had a moment today reading on my deck where I thought wow even the sky looks more blue.  This may be because according to John Mertes my coworker I close my eyes real little when I am in pain.  Yesterday I even forgot to take some of my face meds and I was fine.  I didn't have break through pain! When I realized I was so excited.  I mean can you imagine if I could cut down on even more of these meds.   I really don't want to get my hopes up, but I also don't want to be a pessimist.  This could have really worked... I could really live the rest of my life with only a memory of this pain not still living the pain everyday.   

So as I already said I have not had any zings from my face.  This is the FIRST time in at 6 months that I have not had constant pain........ What does that mean?????? I feel great or I am starting to feel great. Due to the fact that the sergeant had to cut so low. He cut mussel that affected my arm and also the use of it.  I also hold my stress in my shoulders.  So I am very tight.  I have had some problems using my arms or lifting my left arm above my head I have become really good at showering with one hand.  Or mostly using one hand.  I am going to try and go back to my moms misuses that did a really good job of starting to open me up.  I just have to try and find a time to do that. 

I will have my next doctors appointment on Thursday morning.  This doctors appointment will be a an appointment to talk about medication and how I will hopefully be decreasing my medicine regime.  

Thank you:
What would I have done with each and everyone of you.  I will be writing another post soon when I can really get into this.  But I feel that I have to say it more.  I could not have done this with out the support of each and everyone of you.  I love you for that even if you are just a friend or even if  I have never met you.  Or if you are one of the people I met during travels.  Thank you for telling me to do this and supporting me during this time.  

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Day

Well I am finishing off the second week after my surgery.  I will first tell you a little about what has been happening this week.  I have been on the Pain Patch to deal with all of the pain I had been since April.  On Sunday I took the patch off for the first extended period of time.  I have not had a patch on since.  It has been a rough week, all of the pain from the surgery that I was not feel I was all of a sudden feeling.  I was also sick to my stomach.  I am not sure why, my mom says it is because my body was used to having the patch on.  Today has been the first day I have felt myself all week.   On the bright side, I have not felt any nerve pain like I was feeling before.   So that is amazing news.

Today I drove by my self (this was a big thing) to River Grove where I work to drop of my Medical Clearance. It was so great to see everyone that I worked with.  I spent nice time catching up with everyone about all that I have missed during the first week.   Although I was made fun of for my blog! Yes I know they made fun of me for saying LOVELY too much..... I was in other countries where that was being said ALL of the time.  Ok I am done and it feels LOVELY.  

Then after this I did go and pamper my self with a pedicure and a manicure.  I felt like I needed and deserved it after that.  I picked really fun colors and had a great time.  

I went to dinner with Riley and Kyle because Kyle leaves for Iowa University on Sunday.

  I can not believe that my little Kyle is going off to college.  I have watched this little boy grow up to become a handsome young man.  We of course went where we always go... Flat top and we had a yummy meal.  We all laughed and caught up on each others lives.    I would say that our relationship is more like a sibling relationship.  We make fun of each other but in the end we would each haveeach others   back if anything every happened.  When we were leaving I gave college notes.  Don't drink the jungle juice unless you want to puke.  If you have a shot make sure you drink water.  When you are playing beer pong use water so the nasty ball dose not get in your drink.  Soco and Lime is the worst shot! eww!!! Try and remember how many drinks you have had.  Eat a hamburger and or something from McDonalds when you are hungover.  A coke will always help a hangover unless you had jack and coke or rum and coke the night before.  Don't walk home alone even when you are so drunk you think it is a good idea. Wear a condom and don't get a girl pregnant unless you want me to kick your ass.  You know just the usual! It was hard to say goodbye, I felt like I was 100.  But I know that he will do great things in his first year at IOWA!   Can't wait to go to the first swim meet at Northwestern.   

Here is a picture from a summer that I was his nanny! 
This is now! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Staples out: on the mend

 On Monday I got my staples out.  The nurse said that it all looks really good. The site is almost closed and is only slightly open in some spots.   Pirc has to watch and make sure that the swelling continues to go down.  The nurse also said that I will be able to go back to work on Monday.

We got a great deal more info about the surgery from the RN today.  There were evidently 2 veins, no arteries, near the nerve.  She even provided the post op notes to us.  If I read the notes correctly, it appears that there was one vein pushing on the front of the nerve and one that may have affixed itself to the back side of the nerve that they had to remove.  

So the surgery was much more than they thought it was going to be before they started it.   But it does seem like it might be a good thing do to the fact it seems that it might work more.  

Sunday was the last day on the pain patch and I have been in a lot more pain than I have been.  I think that the pain patch was covering a lot more than I thought it was.  

Well that's all for now.   

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A little bit of this...

I started the day with a massage.  Now let me tell you that it was not one of the massage that you relax in.  This was the type of massage that the massage therapist kicks your ass.  When my dad dropped me off he came up and told the therapist all about my surgery and the pain I was having.   I feel like I am 3 again.  But I can't hate on him he is just being a good Daddy and taking card of me.  The massage therapist then tried to work on my back and shoulders but he said that it was going to be a lot of work. He said that the surgery caused a lot of trauma and damage and that I will have a lot of pain a work to do.  My homework is to ice and heat my back and shoulders. I also have to do specific exercises.   After he was done I did feel a little better.  Nick was off work this morning and was able to pick me up.  

When is got home I had to sit down a do a lot of work that I had not been able to get done before I had my surgery.   I finished 4 documents and sent them on to my co worker who is going to print them for me.  

I have gotten addicted to the show "Orange is the New Black". I started it yesterday but I have already watched a freakish amount or episodes already.  It is a very entertaining and brilliant show.   I can not believe how well written it really is.  So I watched three episodes of the show when I was done with my work. I wanted to continue but my iPad died.  

Christie came by with things for our class. She also brought our cool new coach books for class.  I am so pumped that she brought then because I can look at them tomorrow.  This way I can really understand the new way to teach the curriculum.  I am so excited!   I am so thankful that she brought it to look over.   She also gave me the low down on what is happening at school.  I am so jealous of all that they are learning and feel that I am missing so much!

Nick came home about 5 and we decided to watch "Oceans 12".  But Clark did not want to watch the movie.  

Pain level and Update:
Right now my actual surgery site hurts pretty bad.  It aches more than burns.  My neck and shoulder is currently wrapped in a heating pad.   Pirc reminded me that a doctor did say that this was going to be a hard part.   A nurse said to try icey hot and so did my mom so we are going to pick some up tomorrow. 
I hate this because I feel like I am just bitching!   But it is the truth, maybe I will just start to sugar coat it or lie.  Maybe it  be psychological and I will really start to feel perfect.  Hmm something to think about.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Walk on!

Tuesday... I decided today I needed to go for a walk. So all day I was asking people to take me for a walk.  I thought that it was best to go with some one else the first time I went for a walk. Then I know how it is and how long would be good.  

This morning I read a lot! I was very tired and for some reason even though I slept well I didn't feel to great.  The puppies really tried to help me stay calm and try to relax. 

After I read two book I decided I needed to get some work in.  I did some paperwork and then did tons or research.  I was trying to find a good lesson planning application that a connection to the common core standards.  I think I found one which is great.  I set up the app, it was not the most easy thing to set up either.  

Two of my coworkers/friends came to visit.  They also brought me a lovely gift. It was Relaxing cloths.  Haha everyone is trying to help me do that.   But it was so great to see Becky and Martha after a long summer.   They were a great distraction and great company.  Becky was of course excited to meet Clark and if you know anything about him Clark was pumped to meet her.   

When Nick got back from his workout I asked him if he would take Clark and I for a walk.  He said yes, how great is my brother!?   It was funny though it really made me feel like a dog even more.  Nick and I went on a three block walk and I was feeling pretty good.  The last block was a little rough.  But I did finish the whole three block walk.   

Around 7:30 I did have a severe amount of pain.  A lot of it was my neck pain but a lot of it was also coming from my surgery site.  I used a heating pad and that seem to help a lot.  

Tomorrow morning I am getting a massage to try and work on the really tight muscles.  I am a little worried about it though. 

Ok time for bed! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

One Week Post Operation

Today marks one week post operation. Can you even believe that?  I sure can not, one week ago I was elated that they found a blood vessel but scared shitless because I was in so much pain.  Today I am still in pain but not even close to how much I was in the hospital.  

Today was a little hard mentally due to the fact that everyone at Rhodes was starting to come back to work and take classes.  I really wanted to be in my classroom doing stuff and getting stuff done.  I also wanted to be learning with the other teachers.  This may sound dorky but I really do like going to the classes at the beginning of school.  I always find at least one thing that I can bring back into the classroom.

So I spent this morning being bummed.  Then I wrote a whole bunch of thank you cards.  Again I have to say that I am truly blessed and have so much to be thankful for.  So thankful that my hand is still a little sore.  After that I really tried to relax because I was very taxed from sitting the whole time.   

I was really lucky and had two friends come and visit me.  Little Wetzel came to visit first.  She brought two bran new book to read and I am so excited.  I need things to do for sure.  If you have any ideas please let me know I have pinned so many things on pintrest but I don't know where to start.  The next person to visit was Andi.  It was so great to see her she reminded me that if I am not totally healed I am no use to anyone.  Grrr It is just taking to long!  

Ok I am in a lot of pain right now so I am going to bed...

Pain is gain!

Missed Yesterday, Forth Day Home

So yesterday I pushed it a little to much.... I mean a lot to much.  

First I went to the Oak Park Farmers Market my parents.  I walked around and for the first 10 minutes I felt great! let me tell you! I felt like a super star! Then after that I started to really fall off the horse as they say.  It was as if each step I took hurt a little more and more.   Then I realized why they told me no driving because I have to move my whole body when I want to turn my head that is a little hard when you are in a car.  hmmm I guess that does not work so well.  It was funny though I tried in the car and kept hitting my head against the window. hahah 

After the Farmers Market we came home and got Nick then went to the Oak Park Book Fair that the Library throws.  It was great I looked around, and found some great books.  It was very hard at first to  figure   out to actually look through the books.  I found that if I just squatted or sat on the ground it was better than leaning over, leaning over really hurt.   After about a half hour and one bag of books later for my classroom.  I was pretty tapped out! So I went and sat on the ground and read well my family kept on shopping.   

When we got home I fell asleep for two and half hours.   I woke up sick for a while. I think I may have pushed myself a little to much.  We had a chill night after that and I went to bed pretty early.  


Yesterday we found out that between 12-2 pm at the book fair any teacher can take as many book as you want for free.  So today dad and I met Christie back at the book fair.  I got two boxes and a bag more of books for our students of biographies, non fiction, and picture books.  

Then Pirc came and picked me up and took me home for the first time since monday.  I really taxed myself earlier in the day so this was another day that i really needed to just relax.  This basically means that I went home and sat on the couch then ate dinner and went to bed.  

Thanks again for all of the support of the past few days! 
Lots of love!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Second Day Home

Today was day filled with wonderful visitors.   I feel so blessed I can not even begin to tell you.  

My first visitor:
Cindy/ Mommy(A phi stuff) came and brought lunch for herself and my Dad (Who has been surviving on hospital food pretty much all week.  So she graciously picked up Jonny's for them.  I still do not have the best appetite so I had beef stoup and Cindy got an extra order of fires for me.  We talked  about everything; our summer trips, life, friends, houses, and money.  You know the usual. haha  She was here for a pretty long time I felt bad because I thought I was eating up her whole day.  Sorry mommy! 

My Second Visitor:
Miguel came to visit me he is Cindy's husband for those that do not know that.  He is also my Dad through Marriage.  He came after work and brought the most beautiful flower arraignment.  He stayed and we all talked about our dream vacations and how we should do a big couples trip.  Who is in?

My Third Visitor:
Christine AKA Little Wetezel she has been my friend since Elementary school and is beyond lovely and entertaining.  She brought over great movies for us to watch like i mean tons of movies and TV series.  We decided we needed something funny and went with "Identity Thief" It was really good and had much more heart in it than I originally thought.  After the movie we had Dinner with the family.  It was extra delicious.  

My reacquiring Visitor 
Pirc (My husband) has been amazing.  He has been coming everyday afterwork to my parents house to see how I am.  He stays and has dinner with us and then after dinner he goes home.  But it is just amazing that he come every day.  I feel so special that he puts in so much effort for me.  Love you Hubby!

Health Update:

I think that I pushed it to hard..I am in quite a bit of pain.  Not in my face which is an amazing sign but on the surgery site.  I slept well last night except for when I woke up because I was sleeping on the surgery site and I was in so much pain.  Walking and sitting are the hardest things to do.  So we will see how that plays out.  Work informed me today that I need a doctors realize to come back to work so that really sucks.  But we will see how it goes.  

"Change is not always easy or overnight sometimes you have to work for it." Don't know if I just made that up or remember someone saying this but damn that is good!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Night after leaving the hospital.

After dropping of my prescription we came straight home I was very tired after walking from my hospital room to the parking garage.  I said I was ok because I just wanted to get out of there but man it kicked my butt.  

Mom had a flight in to Chicago today so she got home from work early so we all had a late lunch of beef stew.   Yummy!  

Kyle and Pirc came over for dinner we had yummy delicious Boy Scott Hot Dish!  Mom hates making it for guest but it one of my favorite meals so she made it any way.  Kyle loved it so she felt much better  about it.  We had such a yummy dinner and it was so great seeing Kyle.   After dinner the boys left so they could drive home and find parking.   

I rested for a little bit then my mom was determined to get more of the goop out of my hair.   First we tried no more tangles but it was not strong enough.  So we ended up having to rewash my hair in the sink in the kitchen.  Gradma Joan would have had a heart attach if she was still alive. She then brushed it and tried to get the remaining out but their is still some.   Mom then tried to post a picture of the surgery site but I thought that would make people's stomachs turn. But let me know if you want to see it I guess I will post it. 

Going to bed so tired. 


Busting out of this joint

Hey All

It is 11:16 and I am finishing all of my check out papers.  I also learned how to take a shower with my surgery site.  Doing well today just dealing with a bad headache.   I am going to my parents to at least Sunday.  We will see how I am doing, we have to take it day by day! 

Lots Of love, And thanks for the support.


Just talked to the doctor

Here is the scoop as long as I can hold the meds and some food down this morning I will be discharged.   

If I do get discharged this afternoon I will be going to my parents in Oak Park.   That way someone is home with me most of the time.  

Still in pain but trying to figure that out.  It's really hard to sleep, but I am sure I will figure that out.   

Thank you for all of the flowers, thoughts, and prayers.  They have meant so very much to me  

Love Abby.