Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Night before......

Tomorrow I start to teach again and it is also my three week mark post surgery.   

Inner thoughts:
I am excited and worried at the same time.  I am so excited to see the kids and my coworkers but am nervous that I am not ready.  I have had three weeks with only pain from the surgery what if I start work and my face starts to hurt.  I no it is really silly but man I am scared.  Like really scared! Not having pain for the first time in months has been amazing.  I literally had a moment today reading on my deck where I thought wow even the sky looks more blue.  This may be because according to John Mertes my coworker I close my eyes real little when I am in pain.  Yesterday I even forgot to take some of my face meds and I was fine.  I didn't have break through pain! When I realized I was so excited.  I mean can you imagine if I could cut down on even more of these meds.   I really don't want to get my hopes up, but I also don't want to be a pessimist.  This could have really worked... I could really live the rest of my life with only a memory of this pain not still living the pain everyday.   

So as I already said I have not had any zings from my face.  This is the FIRST time in at 6 months that I have not had constant pain........ What does that mean?????? I feel great or I am starting to feel great. Due to the fact that the sergeant had to cut so low. He cut mussel that affected my arm and also the use of it.  I also hold my stress in my shoulders.  So I am very tight.  I have had some problems using my arms or lifting my left arm above my head I have become really good at showering with one hand.  Or mostly using one hand.  I am going to try and go back to my moms misuses that did a really good job of starting to open me up.  I just have to try and find a time to do that. 

I will have my next doctors appointment on Thursday morning.  This doctors appointment will be a an appointment to talk about medication and how I will hopefully be decreasing my medicine regime.  

Thank you:
What would I have done with each and everyone of you.  I will be writing another post soon when I can really get into this.  But I feel that I have to say it more.  I could not have done this with out the support of each and everyone of you.  I love you for that even if you are just a friend or even if  I have never met you.  Or if you are one of the people I met during travels.  Thank you for telling me to do this and supporting me during this time.  

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