Monday, August 5, 2013

Missed Yesterday, Forth Day Home

So yesterday I pushed it a little to much.... I mean a lot to much.  

First I went to the Oak Park Farmers Market my parents.  I walked around and for the first 10 minutes I felt great! let me tell you! I felt like a super star! Then after that I started to really fall off the horse as they say.  It was as if each step I took hurt a little more and more.   Then I realized why they told me no driving because I have to move my whole body when I want to turn my head that is a little hard when you are in a car.  hmmm I guess that does not work so well.  It was funny though I tried in the car and kept hitting my head against the window. hahah 

After the Farmers Market we came home and got Nick then went to the Oak Park Book Fair that the Library throws.  It was great I looked around, and found some great books.  It was very hard at first to  figure   out to actually look through the books.  I found that if I just squatted or sat on the ground it was better than leaning over, leaning over really hurt.   After about a half hour and one bag of books later for my classroom.  I was pretty tapped out! So I went and sat on the ground and read well my family kept on shopping.   

When we got home I fell asleep for two and half hours.   I woke up sick for a while. I think I may have pushed myself a little to much.  We had a chill night after that and I went to bed pretty early.  


Yesterday we found out that between 12-2 pm at the book fair any teacher can take as many book as you want for free.  So today dad and I met Christie back at the book fair.  I got two boxes and a bag more of books for our students of biographies, non fiction, and picture books.  

Then Pirc came and picked me up and took me home for the first time since monday.  I really taxed myself earlier in the day so this was another day that i really needed to just relax.  This basically means that I went home and sat on the couch then ate dinner and went to bed.  

Thanks again for all of the support of the past few days! 
Lots of love!

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