Monday, August 5, 2013

One Week Post Operation

Today marks one week post operation. Can you even believe that?  I sure can not, one week ago I was elated that they found a blood vessel but scared shitless because I was in so much pain.  Today I am still in pain but not even close to how much I was in the hospital.  

Today was a little hard mentally due to the fact that everyone at Rhodes was starting to come back to work and take classes.  I really wanted to be in my classroom doing stuff and getting stuff done.  I also wanted to be learning with the other teachers.  This may sound dorky but I really do like going to the classes at the beginning of school.  I always find at least one thing that I can bring back into the classroom.

So I spent this morning being bummed.  Then I wrote a whole bunch of thank you cards.  Again I have to say that I am truly blessed and have so much to be thankful for.  So thankful that my hand is still a little sore.  After that I really tried to relax because I was very taxed from sitting the whole time.   

I was really lucky and had two friends come and visit me.  Little Wetzel came to visit first.  She brought two bran new book to read and I am so excited.  I need things to do for sure.  If you have any ideas please let me know I have pinned so many things on pintrest but I don't know where to start.  The next person to visit was Andi.  It was so great to see her she reminded me that if I am not totally healed I am no use to anyone.  Grrr It is just taking to long!  

Ok I am in a lot of pain right now so I am going to bed...

Pain is gain!

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