Thursday, August 1, 2013

Night after leaving the hospital.

After dropping of my prescription we came straight home I was very tired after walking from my hospital room to the parking garage.  I said I was ok because I just wanted to get out of there but man it kicked my butt.  

Mom had a flight in to Chicago today so she got home from work early so we all had a late lunch of beef stew.   Yummy!  

Kyle and Pirc came over for dinner we had yummy delicious Boy Scott Hot Dish!  Mom hates making it for guest but it one of my favorite meals so she made it any way.  Kyle loved it so she felt much better  about it.  We had such a yummy dinner and it was so great seeing Kyle.   After dinner the boys left so they could drive home and find parking.   

I rested for a little bit then my mom was determined to get more of the goop out of my hair.   First we tried no more tangles but it was not strong enough.  So we ended up having to rewash my hair in the sink in the kitchen.  Gradma Joan would have had a heart attach if she was still alive. She then brushed it and tried to get the remaining out but their is still some.   Mom then tried to post a picture of the surgery site but I thought that would make people's stomachs turn. But let me know if you want to see it I guess I will post it. 

Going to bed so tired. 


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