Sunday, June 30, 2013

Third day in Ireland.

Today Nick left and so did Tracy Jane.   😢

Dad and I woke up late and we spent the morning relaxing and doing laundry. We read, blogged, and sat and enjoyed the day.   

At around 1:30 we decided we should go out still.  So we decided to go to Bru na Boinne.   It is the tombs of Knowth and Dowth.  It is a structured that was built 5000 years ago that was found when Charles Camber was trying to take the quarts from the land. Luckily they started to dig in the front of the structure and found the front door.  Two times a year it creates a solar solstice.  When you walk in is tight.  Like really tight and low.  You have to hold your things in front of you so they don't get stuck on the walls.  There was also some engravings on the inside and out that the guid said no one knows the true meaning of.  It was so crazy to be in a place that is over 5000 years old and still holds up.   

Clearly the stairs have been added but that is all everything else is the original. 

Look at the geometrical shapes. 

So cool!!

After this we drove to the Hill of Tara.  It was interesting. They were a bunch of hills that from above look like circles.  They were we here the kings used to meet.  It took us a while to find it but we did.  You spend a ton of time trying to not step in sheep shit.  It is everywhere because you are literally walking right next to sheep.  The Hill of Tara is where it is believed is the final resting place for Tuatha de Danann.  
This was a different hill than each of the other monuments on it. 

Very cool! 

We just got home and are going to eat and relax before are early drive tomorrow.   

Nicks heaven

IToday is Nicks last day.... 😩 So dad and I decided we should do whatever Nick wants to do today.  For those of you that do not know Nick loves to take pictures of flowers in fact he takes incredibly beautiful pictures of flowers.  So what would be a better place to take him then Ireland's garden.  This is called Powerscourt. 

If you love being in a magnificent garden that will just make you speechless this is were you need to go! All I could think the whole time I was there was how much Momma B would love it.  It would be her dream.  There is every type of flower I have never heard of.  There was probably 100 different types of roses in every color.  

When you first walk out into the garden the view is beyond words so I will just show a picture below and let you come up with your own words.  It is one of the last -----.   

Love this pic!

After you walk though this kinda entrance you come to this amazing foutain! 
In the fountain it had Lilly pads which are some of my favorite flowers.  I think they are just so tranquil.  They make me want to sit down a read a long yummy book.   
Then we went into this sort of Japanese garden.   I was transported back in time to my trip in high school I asked Nick if he also felt that way and he agreed.  However he was so in his own mind taking tons of pictures that I can't wait to see.  Here there was this little walk way/ outcome that was so quant.   It felt like The entrance into the secret garden.   There were these little waterfalls and arches. 

Then we went to the tower on the land. You were allowed to walk to the top of the tower.   Here was the spectacular view from the top.   

After this we at a little lunch which is expensive but pretty damn good when you are starving.  If you come here though and are trying to save money I might pick up some sandwiches or make a lunch if you have an apartment.   

When we were all full we walked to the rise garden.  This is where we completely lost Nick.  He was so pumped I saw some of the pictures and Christ he is good.  Here are some I took.  

When we left we decided we could not miss the waterfall it was another 5 euro each such sucked but all we heard were good things.  Let's just say we were not disappointed.  It blew my mind with how amazing it truly was.   First, it is huge! Second, people climb all over totally disregarding the signs that say don't. And lastly, people being their dogs on the rocks.  While I was there I felt very old I was freaked out that one of the little kids was going to get hurt or a dog was going to choke to death.  I am not this much of a worry wort normally? Right people!!
But anyway just to prove how amazing it is look below! 

Amazing right!

We left and went home for a while.  Nick needed to pack and we needed to get some stuff set up for his flight.  Luckily we have the most amazing host, Tracy Jane!  She is wonderful I can not say anything bad about her.  We drank two bottles if wine with her tonight and learned just how truly amazing and strong she is.  I would now consider her a good friend or even family. I didn't even say how amazing her children are. They are to cute and funny! Tracy Jane has gone out of her way to make us feel comfortable! 

We had the most amazing dinner at 
Distillery!  Nick TRIED a mussel!! Yeah I know totally crazy right?? They were so delicious and in a curry sauce! Then I had risotto that was beyond yummy.  

Ok night night! 

Ireland day one!

Nick, Dad, and I have successfully made it to The motherland.  
We flew in last night and some how got to the Bed and Breakfast with out getting into a crash.  The whole driving on the wrong side of the rode and car is tough. 
Today we went to Dublin.  Anybody we asked about what we had to see here said that we had to see the Book of Kells.  

So we took the Dart (train) down to Dublin and went to Trinity College.  Once we got there I decided that I wanted to do the walking tour.  It was only one euro more so it seemed to be the smartest thing.  They have students do the tour.  We had a forth year acting student doing ours.  He had this wonderful almost dry but not to dry of humor.   He gave such great factual information but made it so entertaining.  It was the day that they had graduation.  So half way into our tour the students started to precede out.  I have found where I will eventually do my doctorate.  They have the coolest doctoral gowns.   We also learned that Ireland pays all of the students tuition! They pay there doctoral candidates and most masters student to go to their college here.  What the hell US get it together! 

Well anyway, I had actually neither nick nor I had dressed warm enough due to the fact that when we left it was warm and sunny but by the time we were in Dublin it had dropped 10 degrees and was spitting rain every once in awhile.  So we both had to buy a Trinity hoody.  I am not mad at it though because I love mine.  But I do digress We had to stand in a 20 minute "queue" or line to get into the Book of Kells.   It is a fascinating thing to see how we'll the book has been preserved considering for a lot of years it was just sitting in someone's field.  The monks spent so much time making each and every letter.   The color makes you almost speechless after you read how they made colors from sometimes very dangerous materials.  They are so vibrant and jump off the page.  

Tonight we did the literary pup crawl. (Suggestion make a reservation) We did not have a reservation but lucked out and went on a the second tour of the night that they do not always have.  It starts at Dukes pup with an intro from the two actors.  We had a man that runs the pup crawl and a really great lady.  It was so fun! We met this great couple that was on their honeymoon.  We all had a blast. On the pub crawl the actors perform bits of literature but also give history about Ireland and Dublin.   They gave so much great information about the different writers that I would have never known.   It is only a few hours and you drink the whole time.  How great is that!  We took the Dart home and had a lovely walk.   

That's the rap! Night!! 

Amsterdam... Finally

Ok ok I let the blogs get away from me the last few days so I am going to play catch up today.   

Amsterdam is a cool city.  Very edgy and artsy, they don't really give a damn about anything.   We spent about two days here in Amsterdam.   

The first day in Amsterdam was my favorite day in the city and I think my most anticipated day of the whole trip.  I was so excited to go and be in the actual  place where they all hid.  

Thank you to Danny's sister is all I have to say because she saved out asses.  She told us that we should bye tickets before we left so that was a few weeks prior and we got the last time slot that would allow our whole group.  

We had a 12 time slot.  We were really worried that we were going To struggle finding it so we left about an hour before our time slot.  The tram and bus system in Amsterdam is  good it is just not as good as Paris or Rome so you have to allow for extra time.  It took us about 30 minutes to get there.  At this point we again thanked Danny's sister because the line was very long and we were all glad that we didn't have to wait in it.   To kill time and I had to go to the bathroom we went right next door to the left of the house to a little restaurant and cafe.  We went back about 10 minutes before our time and they let us in early.   

The Ann Frank House is just such an educational and touching experience.   It is beyond wonderful and something I think all people should do.  They have done an amazing job with the organization of it and the information that they have included.   This may partially have something to do with Otto Frank having so much to do with the museum.  I have been teaching Ann Frank to my students for 5 years and thought that Christie and I did a pretty damn good job teaching it.   But this coming year we will kick ass. There is so much more I have to add to this unit.  Like so many of the names were changed, or that so many other kids in here class had tried to hide, or that Ann was supposed to have a date the day her family disappeared.   In one of the last room you watch a video that her friend Hannah made.  She talked about the last time she saw Ann.  They were told that they were in the same concentration camp. The first time they saw each other they were on opposite sides of a fence that separated the work camp from the prison camp.  Ann told Hannah that her whole family was dead and that she had no one to live for anymore.   It was one month before the camps were sent free.   It is so sad to even think about how close she came to being free.   In the very last area they talk about how racism and genocides affect us today and had a very interactive way to do it.  I can't wait to try it with the kids.  You can not take pictures in the house so I only got one outside.  

On the second day mom went home.  ðŸ˜”We decided to do a boat tour of Amsterdam.  It was fun but the rocking motion did make us all sleepy though.  We were a little worried because we bought our tickets and then realized everyone around us was talking another language and not one of us had asked what language the tour was in.  The first words on the tour were in some other language and we all burst out laughing.  Can you believe that! But in fact the tour was done in three different languages.  Here are some pictures.  

Pirc was bound and determined that we should find the I am Amsterdam sign.  We just right where it usually is so we walked over.  It was not there so we asked these two lovely cops that told us it moves.  They radioed it to ask where it was.  After a few minutes they told us and gave us direction as to how to walk there.  Now the way they made it sound you would have thought it was just a few minutes walk.  It took us over an hour and asking several people for directions to finally get there.  So everyone did the picture thing. Nick took pictures for Pirc and I.  
Here is one of me.  

Now the worst part of this trip is that sometime durning the whole picture extravaganza I lost my sunglasses.  I was so upset I love my sunglasses and they were a wedding present from Pirc. 

Whatever, we went to dinner and I got over it and then went home.  The boys went out.  My face hurt and so I just went home and read. It was so nice to relax with a glass of wine and a book.  

All and all Amsterdam was an interesting,fun, clean, and different city.  I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.   

Monday, June 24, 2013

Family picture that Pirc took that I love!

My husband and I in front of the Eiffel tower.  

Just such a great one. 

We love our mommy.  

Nick loves his mommy and daddy!

 My favorite pic of the whole trip so far! 

Driving days!

So I am combing two days due to the fact we have literally been driving for two days. We have gone through six different countries while driving from Italy to Amsterdam.  It has been very interesting and beautiful driving through each country.   Let me start by saying which I may have already said in an earlier post, but fuck tolls are so expensive.  We complain in the states about tolls and I know I never will again.  I have been paying 40-50 euro at about each one.  There have been a few smaller ones but they are rare.  Also I complain all the time about gas prices and I never will that again either! We have been paying 80-90 euro to fill up each time. Luckily this car get great gas milage.   Even if we are squished in the back. 

We have driven past the Swiss Alps that were so beyond gorgeous.  It was raining off and on so there was a lot of fog in the Alps.   The water in the rivers that ran by the highway in front of the Alps was such an amazing color was ice green. I don't know how to describe it and I could not really get a picture of it. But I did get some great ones of the Alps! 

We stayed at a great hotel last night that Internet! It was so nice to be able to check in on Facebook and to answer some messages that I had not had a chance to respond to.   

Today we have been driving and have stopped at two beautiful and historical sites in Luxembourg.  We first stopped at at a romance novel chateau.  It was almost something out of a Pride and Prejudice. We did not go inside but we did get to go in the garden and it was lovely.  They had a maze in the yard that they had created like from the second Princess Dairies movie.  They also had really cool statues.  

I had to put up both because we both look better in different pictures.   Haha

We then went to a Castile that was built in the 1065 Castile Burg Bourscheid.  Their has not been a family living their since 1600's.  It has been owned many different countries but was finally donated back to the Luxembourg government.  We got to again walk around the castle and go into several different parts of the castle. We did not however take the tour some people in the Family really want to get to Amsterdam. 

I love these pictures! 

Pirc the best selfy taker ever! 

Squats with weights old school style.   

After we kept driving and Dad decided we should stop in a little town in the Netherlands.  We first stopped at a restaurant that was flicked with old people dad cut one off by accident and mom and I were so embarrassed we kept going! ☺ We found a really great little hidden gem called Riekelt.  Most of us had burgers I know,I know really we had burgers.  But she said that they were the best thing on the menu.  Mom had a Kip and tomato soup.   The soup was very yummy.  They also had coke in a bottle.  So many places in Europe do.  It is a new reason to move here.   I am trying to compile a list to convince Pirc.   

Well that is it for today we are an hour out from Amsterdam.  I am getting so pumped for this.  My new goal for the next post  is to start using synonyms for my commonly used words. I have used "amazing" and "beautiful" way to much.  So we will see how the next post goes.   

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Last Day in Rome!

Jammed packed lots of walking day should really be the title to this post!  We have probably walked 10 miles or more the whole time we have been in Rome.  I really did not know this.  Let me just tell you that I have toughed it out with this foot/ankle injury.  Icing it when we got back every night.  The shoes I have have been clutch due to the fact the are flats and don't go high on my foot.   I can actually get this monkey of a foot in to a shoe.  Christie asked if I had seen a doctor and I told her have not so I might as we tell you all, we are all most positive that it was just a really bad twist.  So it seems silly to waste a day for a doctor to tell us that.  

Anyway back to today! Today we went to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum.  

Here is the trick that my brilliant if I do say so myself mind thought of.  To avoid the line why not buy the combined ticket from the Forum that is literally next door to the Colosseum and had no line at all,  but still do the Colosseum first.  It worked so well we bypassed the whole line and just walked in! 

The Colosseum is amazing! I literally walked into and said out loud I can't believe I am in the Colosseum. It may have been the most overwhelming feeling of wonder.   It is a really interesting place. We walked around and read all the signs and then walked up the steepest steps to get to the next floor.  On this floor we found their museum.  It is very interesting to walk around and see what they found there.  I mean so of the things they found your mind just can't wrap around.   I thought I knew a lot about the Colosseum but I was wrong! I did not know that they used to flood it and reenact wars on ships.  I didn't know that they uses it for mass soldering of both animals and humans.  It was so awful to read about.   It was also for a long time uses to reenact the crucifixion of Christ.  They stop this when it began to get to "rowdy".  Here are some pictures.  

Then we went to the Roman Forum.  You really could spend a whole day here walking around.  It is really big and spread out and there is ton to read and learn.   This is where they used to have the chariot races.  It is also on the grounds where there were tons of palaces that were connected by underground tunnels. It was the center of any social gathering and was where anything to do with politics was held.  To see some of the history here was incredible.  Pirc loved it here he could run around and see everything and explore all of the areas that have been around for so long.  My parents left earlier than us due to my dad's foot bothering him.   Nick, Pirc and I kept going.   We had just a great time the three of us just exploring.   
Here are some pictures it is 12:00 here and I need to talk about one more place.  

This was where the chariot races took place.  

After this we went home for dinner that mom and Pirc made again it was so delicious!  

We then got ready and left to see the Trevi Fountain at night! It was amazing during the day but at night it was breath taking. The colors and everything.  I was so happy that nick said we had to see it both ways. Here are the pictures.  

Have to go to bed! And I can't feel my hand anymore.  
Haha night!